
TV Everything Forum Rules
The rules on this page apply to the TV Everything Forum including general boards. Some boards have specific rules that apply in conjunction with these forum rules. Users are expected to read and understand these rules prior to posting on the forum. Rules cannot always account for every situation. Please use common sense. The spirit of the rules will be enforced even if it is not specifically stated.

Please keep it friendly.
  • Everyone who's in the forum is encouraged to share some television things that excite them and are important to them on each thread, we hope that you find ways to celebrate your own things on TV Everything Forum, and make sure to allow others to do the same thing.

Stay on topic on these categories (except for the category "Anything").
  • When creating a new discussion thread, give a clear topic title and put your post in the appropriate categories about television. When contributing to an existing discussion, try to stay on topic. If something new comes up within a topic that you would like to discuss, start a new thread in the 'Anything' category.

Share your knowledge.
  • Don't hold back in sharing your knowledge – it's likely someone will find it useful or interesting to make the writing more complex. When you give information, provide your sources.

Duplicate threads are forbidden for everyone.
  • This was considered bad form to intentionally post exactly the same thread once or twice. It is also encouraged to look for older threads about the same thing rather than to create a new one and split up the discussion. Duplicate threads get removed by the Administrator.

Demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behaviour, speech and advertising are not tolerated.
  • We don't allow things that contain disrespectful or derogatory remarks about any person, advice or content that we believe is damaging, unhelpful or distressing to others, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit or suggestive, abusive or otherwise discriminatory or objectionable, or advertising your forum or other things will be deleted and you'll remain to be banned for 1 day.

Spam is no longer allowed.
  • Posting for no valid reason or simply to increase your post count is not tolerated. Continuing to spam even more will result into a 5-day ban, but if you do not have an any thread to add to the discussion, then do not post.

Feel free to report users that you find to be abusing the forum rules.
  • When this/that member is breaking the rules, please report to us so that we can ban him/her for 1 or 5 days or a permanent ban.

You must be 13 to be this forum.
  • Users who are underage 13 (or the applicable age in your country) or revealed to be underage in their birthdate causing to lead a permanent ban. If you want your account ban to be ended, please change the edit of your birthdate to see if is not underage on the account settings via ProBoards or you can contact to send a message that if you're 13 years old (or the applicable age in your country) within the written specific reason in the email.

Privacy & Safety
For your own safety, it's recommended that you do not post personal information about yourself, such as your school, home address, etc. Remember, anything on this website can be seen by anyone on the internet. So please consider this before expressing yourself to the community.

Ban levels
Here are the levels of the ban message system:
  • 1-day ban - 24 hours from the time period the moderation was initiated.
  • 5-day ban - 120 hours from the time period the moderation was initiated.
  • Permanent ban - This member has been indefinitely banned forever.

Reason of the ban periods that applies to the rules:
  • 1-day ban - Applies to fifth and seventh rule.
  • 5-day ban - Applies to the sixth and seventh rule.
  • Permanent ban - Applies to seventh and eighth rule.